Great news: The new Dog Corner is here!
Niek UitenbosShare this blog post
Dear Customer,
We have important and interesting news for you today. For the first time in 5 years, Hondenhoek, the online store for dogs and owners, has undergone a major change.
Since the end of 2022, we have been working hard behind the scenes to completely redesign and optimize our website for you, our loyal customer. This year the time has finally come and we have made major changes.
In addition to a fully Dutch-language website, the website is now also available in French! The switch for languages can be found at the bottom of each page, as well as the switch to our shipping countries!
We would like to take this moment to thank you profusely for your many years of trust in our online store! Hondenhoek would not exist the way we do today, without your years of support!
Kind regards,
Anny Shah, Anneke van Dommelen, Laurence Penninckx, Rian de Boer, Wenda Waas, Niek Uitenbos and all our hardworking people behind the scenes led by Theo Degroot
We look forward to seeing you at Hondenhoek.com , the online store for dogs and owners!