Getting Out with Your Dog - 5 Essential Items
Anny ShahShare this blog post
Summer is coming again, and so are days away. Together with the dog, on the way to a day full of fun! We at WOEF Boetiek are happy to help you get started, with the 5 essential items for a perfect day out, together with your four-legged friend.
1. Protect the Back Seat
Your dog wouldn't mind lying on your backseat with its dirty paws and wet fur, but you naturally want to keep your car as clean as possible. That is why we would like to introduce you to this back seat protector.
With this backseat protector, both your four-legged friend and you can enjoy both the way there and the way back. This back seat protector is large enough for most cars. With its 135cm length and 40cm width, it fits in almost any type of car. The depth of this protector is a maximum of 50cm.
Now available at the reduced rate of €49.95 !

2. Fasten carefully and quickly: Seat belt
If the trip is going to be by car, it is important that your faithful dog is properly secured in the back seat. That is why we have selected this user-friendly seat belt for you.
Thanks to the simple attachment, you can easily attach your four-legged friend to the belt attachment with one click. This way you can get on the road quickly and safely, together with your dog. Cozy right?! WOEF Boutique has different sizes available for you, both for larger and smaller dogs.
The seat belt is available in different colors, from € 14.95 !

3. Take a Walk Without Worries
How wonderful would it be if you could take your dog for a walk without any worries? When your dog slips out at an unexpected moment and you are contacted when your four-legged friend has been found?
That is now possible with these beautiful personalized name tags and collars! Your dog will only become even more beautiful. Personalize the tag or collar of your choice with your name and telephone number and you never have to worry again. Let that day trip begin!
The name tags are available from € 11.95 - collars from € 16.95 .

4. Beautiful Legs Afterwards
Wonderful dog paws full of sand and mud after the walk in the forest or on the beach - where of course incredible treasures can be found in the wet sand. A problem for many dog owners. Say goodbye to dog paws on clothes, seats, carpet and your car. With this handy dog paw cleaning cup you can get the paws of your four-legged friend clean in no time!
Add a small amount of shampoo to the cup, add some warm/lukewarm water to the cleaning cup. After this it is ready for use. Move your four-legged friend's paw back and forth a bit. Check the leg regularly for dirt. Once all the dirt has been removed, dry the leg with a dry towel. That's all!
And all that available for the lowest price of € 17.95 !

Under the motto "Do it for yourself, your fellow man and nature", we introduce this ecological poop bag dispenser in our catalogue.
It has of course been possible for some time to throw away the feces of your four-legged friend, so that no one will fall for this and you will not get into a fight with the neighbor due to excessive dog poop on public property. It is now also possible to deposit this in an ecologically responsible manner.
You can easily hang this poop bag dispenser on your belt, backpack, handbag or pants. Available in two beautiful colors and directly available from stock, all for only € 16.95 !